// This file contains javascript associated with the captcha visual verification stuffs. function smfCaptcha(imageURL, uniqueID, useLibrary, letterCount) { // By default the letter count is five. if (!letterCount) letterCount = 5; uniqueID = uniqueID ? '_' + uniqueID : ''; autoCreate(); // Automatically get the captcha event handlers in place and the like. function autoCreate() { // Is there anything to cycle images with - if so attach the refresh image function? var cycleHandle = document.getElementById('visual_verification' + uniqueID + '_refresh'); if (cycleHandle) { createEventListener(cycleHandle); cycleHandle.addEventListener('click', refreshImages, false); } // Maybe a voice is here to spread light? var soundHandle = document.getElementById('visual_verification' + uniqueID + '_sound'); if (soundHandle) { createEventListener(soundHandle); soundHandle.addEventListener('click', playSound, false); } } // Change the images. function refreshImages() { // Make sure we are using a new rand code. var new_url = new String(imageURL); new_url = new_url.substr(0, new_url.indexOf("rand=") + 5); // Quick and dirty way of converting decimal to hex var hexstr = "0123456789abcdef"; for(var i=0; i < 32; i++) new_url = new_url + hexstr.substr(Math.floor(Math.random() * 16), 1); if (useLibrary && document.getElementById("verification_image" + uniqueID)) { document.getElementById("verification_image" + uniqueID).src = new_url; } else if (document.getElementById("verification_image" + uniqueID)) { for (i = 1; i <= letterCount; i++) if (document.getElementById("verification_image" + uniqueID + "_" + i)) document.getElementById("verification_image" + uniqueID + "_" + i).src = new_url + ";letter=" + i; } return false; } // Request a sound... play it Mr Soundman... function playSound(ev) { if (!ev) ev = window.event; popupFailed = reqWin(imageURL + ";sound", 400, 120); // Don't follow the link if the popup worked, which it would have done! if (!popupFailed) { if (is_ie && ev.cancelBubble) ev.cancelBubble = true; else if (ev.stopPropagation) { ev.stopPropagation(); ev.preventDefault(); } } return popupFailed; } }